Observer GigaFlow


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Observer GigaFlow Documentation

Documentation > How-To Guide for GigaFlow > Diagnostics and Reporting > Create an Integration

Create an Integration

An integration allows you to call defined external web pages or scripts directly from the Device Interface Overview page. To add an integration, navigate to System > Global. In the Integrations settings box, you can add or change an integration.

There are two types of integration:

  • Device: where you can pass the device IP address.
  • Interface: where you can pass the device IP address and the ifIndex of the interface being used.

To add an integration:

  • Enter a new name, e.g. "Interface Action 1".
  • Select the type of target, i.e. a device or an interface. These map to the IP address of the device and the ifIndex of the interface.
  • Select the type of action, i.e. will the integration work with a web page or a script.
  • Enter the web page URL or select a script.
  • Enter inputs to be passed via the website or script.
  • Click Save Save icon. to save changes.

Example 1

In the code below, the populated field tells the software that you want to populate the device field with the IP address and the ifindex field with the ifindex. These fields (device and ifindex) will be passed to the target. We also have required fields, which are fields which the user is required to populate.

{ 'populated':{ 'device':'flow_device', 'ifindex':'flow_ifindex'},'required':[ {'name':'user','display':,'type':'text','value':}, {'name':'password','display':'Password','type':'password'}, {'name':'macro','display':'What Macro?','type':'select','data':['macro1','macro2','macro3','macro4']}]} 

Example 2:

  • Web URL
  • This scripts prints the collected information. It then runs dir and outputs the results.
var ProcessBuilder = Java.type('java.lang.ProcessBuilder');var BufferedReader = Java.type('');var InputStreamReader= Java.type('');output.append(data);output.append("Device IP:"+data.get("device")+"");output.append("IFIndex:"+data.get("ifindex")+"");  try {    // Use a ProcessBuilder    //var pb = new ProcessBuilder("ls","-lrt","/"); //linux    var pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", "/C", "dir"); //windows     output.append("Command Run");    var p = pb.start();    var is = p.getInputStream();    var br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));    var line = null;    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {      output.append(line+"");    }    var r = p.waitFor(); // Let the process finish.    if (r == 0) { // No error       // run cmd2.    }    output.append("All Done");  } catch ( e) {    output.append(e.printStackTrace());  }log.warn("end")

See System > Global in the Reference Manual for more.