Observer GigaFlow


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Observer GigaFlow Documentation

Documentation > How-To Guide for GigaFlow > Diagnostics and Reporting > Create a Traffic Group

Create a Traffic Group

Traffic groups are subnet and IP range aliases. Using traffic groups can help you to identify problems within logical groupings of IP address, e.g. by site or subnet. Once a traffic group is defined, GigaFlow will begin to record information about it.

To define a new traffic group, click Configuration > Traffic Groups. Existing Traffic Groups are displayed in the main table. To add a new Traffic Group:

  • Enter the name of the new traffic group.
  • Enter a description of the new traffic group.
  • Enter a start IP address for the traffic group, e.g.
  • Enter an end IP address for the traffic group, e.g.
  • Click Add Traffic Group to add the traffic group.

To bulk-add new traffic groups, i.e. more than one group at a time:

  • Enter required traffic group information using the format: name,description,startip,endip
  • Use a new line for each new traffic group.

To monitor defined traffic groups, go to Profiling > Traffic Groups.

Sometimes, it can be useful to define a traffic group by subnet and by infrastructure device. For example, a corporate network could have a subnet served by more than one router. To create a granular view of flow through each router, a separate traffic group could be created for each router, defined by the IP range of the subnet as well as the device name. Type in the filter box to quickly identify a device.

To edit a traffic group definition, click Configuration > Traffic Groups and click on the traffic group name or on the adjacent Drill Down icon Drill down icon.. This will bring up a new page for that traffic group where you can edit the group definition.